Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The "Super" Life

The cowboy in our house has an alter-ego as “Super (a)”.  It began several months ago when my mom got him a new “hoodie towel” for her house.  It is complete with a mask and cape and embroidered lightning bolt.  He loves to run through the house wearing that thing and pretending to be a super hero.  This past fall, the theme of our church children’s programing for Sunday evenings was “Super Heroes” which was exciting for him every week.  He liked the songs and lessons, but was especially fond of the crafts where he made a super cape, mask, shield, and several other things.  The ultimate excitement came in December, when a visit back to our church in Indiana happened to fall on a Sunday where they were having a lesson on super heroes and he got his own EPIC cape and mask.  He wears those things allll the time.  Some nights he even insists on wearing the mask to bed.  He is not afraid to wear them in public.  He will gladly wear them with any other outfit as well… cowboy boots, pajamas… it doesn’t matter to him.

I think the thing I find most hilarious about “Super (a)” is how he changes just a little when he puts that outfit on.  He drops his voice when he talks to you wearing his “super” outfit, his typically strut has just a little more purpose to it, and he makes more hand motions that usual (which I’ll admit… even his typical is a lot of “hand talking” for a 3 year old… he gets it from his Momma).  He will tell you that as a “super” he can run fast, jump high, and fly far.  It really is pretty entertaining!

When I think about how super I feel most days, I will tell you I am super TIRED, and some days I’m super stressed.  I get super worried, super overwhelmed, super frustrated, and did I mention super tired?  But as I watch that little super hero at my house, I think about all the other super things I should feel… super blessed by this little family of ours, super thankful for wonderful reports about healthy and growing baby (b), super loved by our support system when the cowboy is sick. 

I could find a lot of things to feel super bad about, but when I look around there are so many super wonderful things in my life.  And that should change me just a little when I take on all those super blessings in my life.  I should have a more positive outlook, a more grateful heart, and a more purpose driven attitude.  I should be more willing to help others, more encouraging, and more grateful.

One of the most precious aspects of “Super (a)” is that he remembers where his super hero outfit came from, and talks about it frequently.  As he is putting it on, or even sometimes randomly while he is flying, he will stop and tell you “And I got dis cape and mask from my Ogilville Church!”  **Side note here… I have said a thousand times that we will never be able to say “thank you” enough for what that body of believers did for our family.  They put our hearts for ministry back together and held us up through our darkest days, but as a Momma, it is a HUGE blessing that still… MONTHS after leaving there, (a) frequently brings up “our Ogilville Church” because they even made a huge impact on his little heart.  God is doing amazing things there!**

When I hear “Super (a)” talk about where his super outfit came from, it reminds me to look to the source of the super blessings in my life.  God’s faithfulness to my life and my family is overwhelming.  His answers to our prayers never cease to amaze me, and I know the only way I can ever experience anything super wonderful is because of, and through Him.  And I realize that, like “Super (a),” I should acknowledge that source more even more often.  Thank you, God, for the super great things in my life (even if I am super exhausted while experiencing them!)

“Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.  For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.” Psalm 21:6-7

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