Thursday, January 28, 2021

It Won't Last Long

 I think some days raising little ones is like surviving winter.  Winter is often harsh, challenging, and it seems like everything I want to do takes longer in the winter.  Cooking isn’t as fast because I don’t often brave the cold to use the grill, going outside is harder because you have to bundle up, the nights are LOOONNNGGG the days are short, and the cold and dark make my brain foggy. 


Having little ones is in the house can also be harsh (some of the things little boys can say to you are BRUTALLY honest), challenging, and EVERYTHING I want to do takes longer.  Though (a) is about to turn 5, he still has the difficult sleep pattern of a newborn- the kind where we are up every 1-2 hours with him- so the nights are LOOONNNGG, but the days are short, and all the chaos and noise often make my brain foggy.


But the other thing about winter is this… it doesn’t last long.  The beautiful snow that fell yesterday will be gone in a day or two, the days are already getting longer, and spring will be here soon changing many of the circumstances that are brought by winter. 


And as I look at the faces of my sweet littles, I realize the exact same thing… it won’t last long.  (a) has already decided he is too big to take a bath and wants to take his own shower every morning with “big kid” soap, brush his own teeth, gel his hair, use deodorant (which totally cracks me up, but we sure aren’t going to discourage good hygiene habits), and use “toothpicks” to clean his ears- all on his own.  (b) is learning a new word every day, and becomes more independent by the minute.  Like the snow on the ground, if I blink my eyes it will be over and everything will be changing. 


So this morning I will take just an extra minute to enjoy the beauty of the snow- it won’t last long.  And last night, despite the monumentous amount of work it took to get them bundled up in winter gear to go spend 30 minutes in the barn, I took an extra minute or two to just watch them play, giggle at the cuteness of being all bundled up like marshmallows, snap a quick picture or two, and take in their laughter and the moment… because it won’t last long. 


“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children coe to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19:14

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