Thursday, February 13, 2020

What Love Now Looks Like

In going through photos from my grandma’s estate a few weeks ago, my sister passed me a picture.  It was a picture of (A) and me at Grandma’s house for Christmas during winter break our sophomore year of college.  That was just over 17 years ago, and I will admit, when she first handed me the picture it truthfully took me a few seconds to even realize who I was looking at.  I looked so much younger, and my husband didn’t have any facial hair (I honestly think that trip home may have been the last time I saw him without his goatee!) We got quite a laugh out of both the picture and my moments of not even recognizing us. 

Something about finding the picture however, really stuck with me.  It made me think so much about how love changes over the years.  Back then we only saw each other every 4-6 weeks, but got to have two phone conversations a week- I did have free cell phone minutes on the weekends, so we talked for a while on Sunday evenings after he got home from church.  Then we took turns paying to keep minutes on a calling card for our Wednesday evening phone call.  The Wednesday call was also a bit more complicated because he had night classes and didn’t get home until late, but my roommate went to bed early… so I would have to sit in my closet with the door closed to keep the land line working but not keep my roommate awake.  I so fondly remember those conversations where we shared everything that was happening in our week, the challenges of school, what was happening at church, and making plans and dreams for our future.  That looks so different now as we are lucky to get in 10 minutes of adult conversation within an evening.  The thing is, we don’t love each other any less, it is actually quite the opposite, however it looks a whole lot different now days….

With that being said, I would like to share with you an excerpt from my thought two years ago… because I still can’t say it any better.  (Only now there are TWO littles and man oh man I REALLY miss having time to run!!!)

What “love” looks like in my life these days…

Love is walking into the kitchen and realizing someone else did the dishes already.
Love sacrifices a Sunday afternoon nap so I can have one.
Love says “I want to hold Mama.” (Sweetest toddler phrase ever!!)
Sometimes love doesn’t say anything, it just holds you while you cry.
Love gives big squeezy hugs then giggles and says “tickle, tickle, tickle!”
I’ve watched love put aside its own feelings to do whatever it takes to take care of his family.
Love says “If you need me to dispose of a body I know where every sinkhole is on this place!” (No worries!! We haven’t done and wouldn’t do anything THAT stupid together, but I know her love would fight for me.)
Love shows up when you have a sick kid, your house is a mess, and you just need help.
Love sends a hand-written note in the mail to say “I’m thinking of you!”
Love takes care of bath time so you can have 5 minutes to just sit and rest.
Love wants to spend hours looking at pictures on our phones so he can see all his favorite people that he knows love him back.
Love helps figure out daycare pickup when Mommy can’t get there and Daddy is still at work.
Love is the look on his face when he is hugging the dog like his very best friend.
Love sends a text to say “I know you’re doing awesome.  I’m proud of you.”
Love does the laundry.
Love lets you go run for your health and sanity, even when he is hungry and is anxious for you to fix dinner.
Love is where it is ok to not be ok.
Love says “I’m praying for you.”
Love checks in on you at just the right times.
Love wears a big cheesy grin and usually has sticky fingers.
Love makes you laugh.
Love brings home an unsweet tea “just because.”
Loves goes searching all over town (with a toddler) for medicine when you are sick.
Love sits with you when you are scared.
Love is brave in the face of fear.
Love does “evening duty” so you can still do some of the social things you want to do.
Love draws you a picture and writes “to the best teacher ever!”
Love reminds me that life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
Love says “I help Mama!”
Love looks at Daddy as his hero.
Love changes the station so you can listen to music you both like.
Love drives when you are too tired to.
Love shows what sacrifice is all about.
Love holds on to each other for dear life.
Love remains.
Love forgives.
Love went to the cross…  THAT is a love worth celebrating.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope you are able to look around and see the way love lives in your life this week. 

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