Monday, March 26, 2018

Words Follow Us

We are only 4 days in, but it is a trip I doubt we will soon forget.  On Friday, after school, my mom, my sister, (a), and I took off to head to Louisiana to visit my grandparents for Spring Break.  My other sister met us there along with my Aunt & Uncle.  I will admit, I was prepared that 13 hours each way in the car with a toddler was risky business, but it was also guaranteed to be memorable.  So, I did what any mom would do…. I started a list of hilarious things that were said! 
Photo credit: Aunt Kara
As I mentioned, we are only 4 days into the trip, but here are the “recorded” lines thus far…
Conversations between Aunt Kayda & (a):
K- “You wanna go to the swamp?”
(a)- “I wanna go to Wal-Mart!”

K- “What does the gecko say?”
(a)- “Say eat my cookies!!”

K- “When we walk in Granny and Grandpa’s house what are you going to say?”
(a)- “Happy Birthday!”

K- “What do monkeys eat?”
(a)- “Poop!”

Statements made by (a):
“I walk in the door- see cows!!”
“Let’s go! Hurry!!”
“Momma! It’s a GIRL!” (While watching a cute little girl a bit younger than him eating dinner)
“Matchy, matchy!” (After giving Kayda a hat and glasses like he was wearing)

Statements made by Aunt Kayda (who is young and does not have children):
“Why am I wet?!”
“Why am I sticky!!???”
“There is a HORSE tangled in my hair!!”

New phrases learned in the car:
“Hello, mate!”
“Hosanna, mate!” (both “mate” phrases spoken with an Australian accent)
"Peace out, Dude!"

I’m sure there will be plenty of other phrases recorded before the week is over, but I also know this… I won’t have to write some of them down for them to be remembered.  I know that even when he is 18, some of (a)’s funny remarks from this week will be repeated and retold over and over to him.  I don’t know if that is how it works in all families, but in mine, iconic phrases that come from your mouth follow you around for the rest of your life. 

In reality however, I believe that is true of many of the words we speak.  Whether we realize it or not, words that come out of our mouths can follow us, or someone else, around for the rest of our lives.  Words matter.  I’m blessed, there were a lot of words spoken to me over the years that stuck with me in a good way.
“I love you”
“You’ve got this kiddo!”
“There’s my blue-eyed girl!”
“Never say never”
“Anything worth having takes hard work”

But there have been other words over the years that have also stuck with me.  Words that were meant to patronize me after a crushing heartbreak or defeat.  Words that were meant to sting and “put me in my place.”  Words about my weight.  Words about how I wasn’t doing a good enough job in this or that based on one person’s totally subjective opinion.  Those words have followed me too.  And some of them took me YEARS to overcome or quit believing.  Words matter.

On the flip side, I have had women stop me and share something I said in a conference or speaking engagement that has stuck with them for years.  And unfortunately, I’m sure there have been hurtful or harsh things that I have said to others over the years that have stuck with them as well.  If that has been the case, I am truly sorry.  Words matter. 

So often they are quick to come out of our mouths, and many times we don’t even remember saying them.  But the person who received them remembers… both the good and the bad.  Words matter. 

My prayer is that I am intentional with the words I use.  That they would be used to speak love, hope, truth, faith, encouragement, edification, and show God’s grace and faithfulness.  And on the days when I fail, I pray that I am mindful of the failure and have the opportunity for another chance to speak words that can make it right.  What we say follows us around.  Words matter.

And now, I’m going to go back to the giggling in the living room & sharing words with my family that matter.  This week, my heart (and my Granny’s house) are both very full.  May it be week full of words that matter in your life too.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer” Psalms 19:14

1 comment:

  1. So fun to enjoy part of your trip with you and (a)and the message is so true about what words can do


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