Thursday, August 27, 2020

The View from Above

 Early Sunday morning I had an amazing opportunity.  Because I have a very dear friend who knows the right people, I had the privilege to take a flight in a hot air balloon.  It was the last flight official flight of our local Balloonfest and the guys and I had already spent a good part of the weekend admiring the balloons’ beauty and the awe of how they work.  But the feeling of being in one, early in the morning as the sun was just coming up was even more breathtaking (in a good way!) than I could have imagined. 

 With no loud engine you could still hear all the sounds- the dogs barking, the occasional cars below, the burners of other balloons.  With no glass blocking the view you could see the dew on the fields, sparkle of the sunrise on the local lake, the leafy trees and the dead ones, even who needed to clean out their swimming pool.  With no boosting engine you don’t feel the take-off, just a gentle float up into the air, and even though we had some speed on us, I never felt a strong wind, or the speed at which we were going.  Instead I felt completely secure, and the most incredible PEACE I have felt in a long time.  I tried taking pictures and videos, but they couldn’t possibly capture the beauty or the feeling, so I spend most of the ride with my phone put away just enjoying the experience. 

 The other thing I will never forget from the flight was that I shared it with another first time flyer- only she was in her 80’s and is the dearest, sweetest lady.  Her family crews for this balloon pilot, and she joins along but had never flown.  At the VERY last moment before takeoff, the second passenger felt like she was unable to go that day, and they all turned to “Grandma” to offer her the chance (completely assuming she would say no).  Instead she didn’t hesitate to hop in the basket with me and told me as she flew how tickled she was with herself for doing it and how proud she was that she completely surprised her family by jumping on the opportunity.  We marveled together at the beauty and the peacefulness of the experience.  When it was over, we landed at a gorgeous farm, and I stayed with her just to help make sure she didn’t slip on the wet grass as we went down in and back out of a small ravine to get where we needed to be.  As we walked and chatted, she was beyond excited to discover I was her minister’s wife and she took my hand and told me “What we had here this morning was a God experience! And we got to share it together!” 

 I couldn’t have agreed more. That view from above somehow felt like I was a little closer to my Creator as I took in all the beauty of His works, the peacefulness calmed my heart, and the joy I shared with my new friend sealed the deal.  And I will admit, starting my day with that experience even made Sunday morning worship come more “alive” to me later that morning.  The view from above was the perfect reminder I have been needing to still my anxious heart.  I have felt a lot of stress, heartache, frustration, and anxiousness lately- all of which have been work related.  Navigating the new and different have been hard (I CAN do hard things), but while some families have been supportive and gracious, others have been very hard on our staff and have lashed out at us in anger and frustration.  On top of the abnormal- we have had some curriculum delivery delays and staffing changes that have made everything more complicated.  When those worries and stressors overtake me, this week I have been able to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and remember that view from above.  While I realize that being up high doesn’t actually mean I was any closer to the Father, that place of peace and beauty gave me incredible perspective that focused me on Him.  The view from above reminds me that He is in control, I can always go to him to find my peace and purpose, and I can feel completely secure in His loving arms.  I’m holding on tight to that view from above.


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3


  1. Very well aritten kristi, I cn imagine the peaceful flight as u described it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Kristi, this brought tears to my eyes!! I am so thankful my mom was able to fly with you. What a great thing to have a "God experience "!!!! She was so blessed with that morning flight as things have been rough for her lately. Thank you for sharing this!


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