Many times, I have heard the story of the farm animals trying
to decide what kind of favor they could do for their beloved farmer. They had the idea of fixing him a wonderful
breakfast- the chicken suggested bacon and eggs; to which the pig replied, “for
you that’s a contribution, for me that’s total commitment!” It of course is a funny little story, but comes
with such a heavy thought… am I looking at a contribution or a total
On Sunday, our minister began his message with the question “How
far are you willing to follow Jesus?” It
was a question that hit me very heavily.
I have always said I trust in Jesus, and that I am willing to do what He
asks of me… but for the most part that has never been tested. It is easy to say I am willing to follow Him
when all it takes is a contribution- when I could write a check for the
situation. It is easy to say I am
willing to follow Him when it only requires me to contribute a few extra hours
of my time. It is easy to say “I trust
you” when it is just about the details coming together for an event. It is easy to say “I trust you” when it is a
very small step out of my comfort zone.
But I will admit, the past few months it has been much harder to say “I
am willing to follow You, Jesus.” It is
harder to say “I am willing to follow You, Jesus” when it requires full
commitment… when it might mean uprooting your life, when it might mean moving away
from your family, leaving your friends, giving up the home where you began your
family, surrendering a job you love, and completely starting over. While our family’s future is still totally
uncertain, all of those are very real possibilities, and to be completely
honest, I have had a hard time wrestling with it.
I have often been amazed by those who surrender it all, say “I
will follow You, Jesus” and head to the mission field. I have always admired that courage, but
admitted that I wasn’t sure I could do it. It takes much more faith to make a commitment
like that, than just the piddly little contributions I have made throughout my
life. And I realize how fortunate I am-
I know many of you who are reading have had to say “I trust you, Jesus” with a
scary, uncertain situation such as your health, your family, your marriage,
your life- all things far bigger than what I am wrestling.
After church, (A) and I were discussing the sermon over
lunch, and I admitted that I’m ashamed to say I think in Jesus’s day I might
have been more like some of the followers who turned away, or even one of the Pharisees-
because I am SUCH a rule-follower and I have a hard time accepting change, especially
if it goes against the rules I have learned (if my sisters are reading this
today they are eye-rolling and laughing because they know how very true those
words are). They couldn’t handle
following Jesus because they couldn’t give up “the way things have always been”
or the teachings that seemed to contrast some of the rules they had always
followed. I’m grateful to live in a time
where I have the “whole story” through the Bible and can get a full
understanding of who Jesus is and just what He meant with his teaching. (A) on the other hand, is much more like some
of the disciples. He is brave enough to
step out of his comfort zone to follow the calling of Jesus. He is much less tied to sentimental/emotional
things than I am. During our lunch conversation,
he even laughed and admitted he would have been like some of the fisherman who just
left their father standing in the boat when Jesus called them to come follow
him. (Let me just say, he did NOT mean that as a dig on his dad, just the
reality that he is not sentimentally/emotionally tied to things like I
am.) But you know, I realize I need to
learn to be more brave and more willing to make an all-in commitment to follow
like the apostles did.
As my heart was working through all the thoughts within this
lesson… “how far AM I willing to follow Jesus?, how much AM I willing to trust Him?”
my heart was given a gift. Our service took a turn from our usual
contemporary worship style to sing one of my favorite old hymns. I love music.
I have always loved music. I was
blessed with very musical parents and raised in a very musical home
church. From the time I was a little girl,
I was singing in church and soon helping with worship ministry. And from that upbringing I can truly say, I
love BOTH contemporary music and old hymns.
But I will admit, sometimes there is just something extra special to me
about going back to sing one of those hymns and be reminded of the words I
memorized as a little girl….
Tis so sweet, to trust
in Jesus,
Just to take Him at
His word,
Just to rest upon His
Just to know, “thus
saith the Lord”
Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him,
How I proved him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus,
Oh for grace, to trust Him more.
And I can’t lie, it choked me up a little, it really IS
sweet, to trust in Jesus. To let those
words sink in… how I proved Him over and over… so many times in my life He has
showed me just how much I can trust Him.
Just in the few months of transition in our lives He has shown me how
much I can trust Him….
When we weren’t sure how we would make it financially, he
showed we could trust Him.
When we didn’t know where we would worship, he showed we
could trust Him.
When we didn’t know if we would ever “belong” again, he
showed we could trust Him.
When new possibilities looked good on the outside but
didn’t feel right, he showed we could trust Him.
When we didn’t know how to put one foot in front of the
other, he showed we could trust Him.
I realize, that if He has shown me over and over how much I
can trust Him, that I will continue to trust Him… even with the very hard stuff…
because He continues to prove just how trustworthy He is. And Oh, for grace, to trust Him more… I’m so grateful for His grace, a little
wrestling room for my heart if you will, as I keep learning (even when it’s so
hard) to trust Him more.
No, we still do NOT know ANYTHING about what the future
holds, but we know WHO holds it. So,
even on the hard days, I will say “We will follow you, Jesus. We trust in You.” I don’t want to be a chicken who just contributes,
I want to make a commitment.
“Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for
people.” At once, they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:19-20 (NIV)
Another good one!