I gave up making New Year’s Resolutions years ago… It was
just a chance to set myself up for failure.
I tred to look at the New Year as a chance to make some plans for myself,
but I also have learned that God may have a totally different set of plans that
I don’t even see coming. So instead, the
last couple years I have taken the New Year as a chance to look BACK at the
blessings of the past year, thank God for those blessings, and look at what I
have learned about myself and my faith walk through those experiences. To be completely honest, 2017 has been a VERY
hard year for my family. It has brought
a lot of changes and challenges, but through it all God has continued to bless
us and I choose to count those blessings.
So here… (in a general order) are my top ten favorites of
I have
always enjoyed cooking. As a busy mom
and teacher, it is certainly hard to find time to cook, but I try to cook for
my family as often as possible. This
year brought 3 new favorite recipes to my kitchen.
Basil Bisque (So easy and cheap! I like it best with FRESH basil)
-CreamyChicken and Wild Rice Soup (I add mushrooms and carrots to make it a little
more hearty, and because I make it more hearty I cut the flour back to ½ cup)
-HerbedWatermelon and Feta Salad (Seriously-
the strangest mix of ingredients but I LOVE it! Fabulous summer salad!
Especially since I grow several of my own herbs from spring to late fall)
9. Spring Mill State Park Adventures
Mill has always been one of my favorite places.
I grew up only about 20 minutes from the park and it was often the scene
of some of my favorite summer adventures for my family- picnics, afternoons at
the park’s public pool, playing in the creek, exploring the pioneer
village. It had been several years
however, since I had spent much time there.
This spring/summer brought me back a few times and a chance to introduce
(a) to the fun of this fabulous state park and make new memories there with him. We treated my mom to a Mothers’ Day picnic,
hike, and afternoon in the pioneer village.
Then a few weeks later my guys and I spent an afternoon of fun

8. Spring Break with my Grandparents
I am
fully aware that I am incredibly blessed that in my mid 30’s I still have 3
living grandparents. They have been such
wonderful influences on my life and I absolutely LOVE getting to share my son
with them. The guys and I were fortunate
enough to spend our spring break this year in Louisiana with my maternal
grandparents. They introduced (a) to his
first Cajun food- which he loved, he walked my grandpa around the yard and
porch 7,392,645 times, they shared ice cream cones, laughter, and played for
endless hours. I never get tired of my
Grandpa’s stories from his Air Force career or days as a child in my hometown. I could gain 100 lbs eating my Granny’s delicious
cooking, and once again this trip I was so grateful for her seamstress skills
as she has helped with more than one special event outfit (NOT related to the
weight gained from her cooking!!) I
cherish the memories we have made with them, and this spring break was no
7. Running
ever, in a zillion years would I have thought RUNNING would make a top ten list
in MY life… but it happened. In April we
joined a Bible study group in our town called “Run for God.” It was a 12 week study that went with
training for a 5K and culminated with the race at the end. I had no idea how much “therapy” running
would be for me. It was great time to
spend as a family getting our runs in together, and was an excellent push for
me to step out of my comfort zone. From
July to Sept we completed 3 different 5Ks as a couple and (A) did one other by
himself. I now find myself CRAVING a run
several times a week and ENJOYING the time I spend pounding the pavement. While I am certainly NOT an accomplished
runner by any means, it is a discipline that was a huge accomplishment for
me. It was a major lifestyle change for
me to become a runner, and one change I plan to keep!
6. Church Camp
Camp has
always held a very special place in my heart.
Ever since I was a young girl I loved attending camp. I was baptized at camp, I met (A) at camp, we
spent several of our college summers working for a camp, and volunteering at
camp is our favorite way of doing ministry together as a couple. This year was one of my all-time favorite weeks
we have ever coordinated. We introduced
new elements for learning and committing to spiritual growth, poured our hearts
in to team-teaching/speaking together for the first time, shared our faith with
150+ students through the 3 events we deaned, brought in a great Christian
comedian, and the week ended with one of my BEST EVER camp highlights- I had
the privilege to baptize one of my former 3rd grade students who was
in attendance at our week. I don’t even
have adequate words to express how much this year’s camp ministry experience
blessed and taught me.
5. One Life Out Loud
For a
long time, God had been laying on my heart the fact that I should continue to
pursue women’s ministry through writing.
I took some time to think and pray about the best way for that to happen
and in June of 2017 I launched this blog.
I had no idea how much it would teach me, how it would grow me in my own
faith, and what a blessing it would be to my life. I can’t thank my readers enough for your kind
words and encouragement weekly. I am
humbled and blown away that hundreds of people each week read my words, and I
fervently pray that those words glorify God and bring people closer to
Him. As with the commitment to running,
blogging has been an act of personal discipline that has HUGELY changed my
life, and one I am excited to continue in the coming year.
4. Gifts of Experience
A few
years ago, we made a decision to start cutting back on gifts of “things” and
starting giving more gifts of experiences.
It is a decision I would HIGHLY recommend if you have never tried it
before. As I mentioned earlier, a picnic
day at Spring Mill with all of her girls was my mom’s Mothers’ Day gift. My
sister gave (a) tickets to both the zoo and children’s museum, both of which
led to SOOO much fun together as a family and wonderful memories made. Instead of gifts for our 10th
wedding anniversary we took a vacation together (just the two of us) to
celebrate. (A) surprised me in late July
with tickets to see one of my favorite bands (the Oak Ridge Boys) in late Oct
as my Christmas gift. And in August, he
asked if he could have Oct tickets to see Garth Brooks as his Christmas present
(to which of course I said YES!) We made
so many fun memories through these experiences, and I didn’t have to worry about
anything fitting incorrectly or needing to be dusted.
3. Faithful, Faith-filled Friends
As this
year presented some very difficult challenges, it also led us to experience the
love and support of faithful friends.
Ministry friends from across the country stepped in to provide prayers, love,
and encouragement. Our church camp “family” literally held us up and introduced
us to our new “in the meantime” church home which has been another source of
encouragement and spiritual growth. Church
family from 10 years of ministry have showed love and appreciation for all my
husband has poured into them, and we have seen what TRUE friendship is really
2. Toddler Parenting
our lives with a busy little boy has been SUCH an adventure- and I wouldn’t
trade it for the world!! He loves to
dance, read, play with his dogs, feed cows, ride horses, wear glasses, lick things,
make messes, eat 24/7, and snuggle. He
would live outside if we would let him and he is fiercely independent (I have
NO clue where he gets that, haha!) He is
QUITE a talker who knows how to try our patience and melt our hearts, and
usually switches between those two things within a matter of minutes. Parenting has been challenging and fun,
exhausting and joy-filled all at the same time.
I pray we are teaching him daily how to be a gentleman, a friend, and
most importantly how to love Jesus. We
realize what a precious gift we have in him, and thank God every day for that privilege.
1. Celebrating 10 Years of Marriage
It really
is true, time flies when you’re having fun!
When I married him 10 years ago, (A) promised me there would never be a
dull moment- and he has held true to that promise! We laugh a lot, we push each other to be our
best, we have clung to each other through very tough days, cheered each other
to victories, and we have taken care of each other in illness. We are a ministry team, a parenting team, and
best friends. In April we celebrated our
anniversary, but more importantly, every day I am thankful to God for what we
have together through him and what He has brought (A) and I through
I hope the New Year brought you a chance to count your
blessings from our Father who does not change in His love for us, and I pray
that 2018 brings you many more of God’s good gifts!!
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father
of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17
Happy New Year!!
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