I was having problems with my computer recently. Things weren’t working like I needed them to,
there was a lag, and when I clicked on any internet tab I couldn’t even get my
mouse to move. I was so frustrated. I tried
a ton of things, but finally I decided to just shut it down and restart. “Amazingly” that worked wonders, and
everything began functioning smoothly again.
I say amazingly, but really that should have been on surprise to
me. When I thought about it, it had been
several days, weeks even maybe since I had actually closed out of my all
programs and files and done a restart. Truthfully,
I just hadn’t taken the time. I usually
just close my computer up when I am done with it and let it go into “sleep
mode.” It was well overdue for a
Last Thursday had been “one of those days.” You know the kind I’m talking about. I felt like I was burning the candle at both
ends while chasing my tail at the same time.
I came home from work late and exhausted only to realize I needed to be
back out the door in about 30 minutes for worship practice at church. I quickly threw together some supper for the rest
of my family, decided I would just skip dinner that night, nursed the baby, and
grabbed my car keys to head out the door.
Before pulling out of the driveway, I hit start on the playlist for our
worship set thinking I would run through a song or two one more time before
practice. The first song in the set was “Your
Grace is Enough.” In just a few seconds
I found myself lost in the words and as I sang along loudly in the car the most
freeing feeling washed over me. For all
my chaos and stress, it really was true… His grace is enough. By the time I reached church for practice I
felt like a new person. Turning up some
loud praise music and letting it fill my heart had been an amazing restart for
my evening, and even the next day too as each time I felt myself tense up, I
just let the words play through my mind “Your grace is enough for me.” Restart.
Tonight, I came home having had another one of “those days.” I really try not to have too many of those in
a row… but state testing season is breathing down my neck, we have important consultants
in at the school tomorrow, student sickness has makeup work piling in on me,
and we have reached the point in the year where it feels like 3 steps forward
and 2 step back in curriculum. I ran to
the store after leaving school to grab diapers and thought I would pick up a
couple quick things to make dinner. Which
cued the major guilt that I hadn’t even cooked for my family in several days, actually
more like a couple weeks (unless you count throwing pizza rolls in the oven… but
I don’t). I am a girl who loves to cook-
it brings me joy. So I grabbed a couple
extra things with the plan of throwing some burgers on the grill this beautiful
evening. As I carried the groceries in,
(a) came running from the barn, full speed in his mud boots to give me the best
hug. He told me immediately about the “bad
news” from his day (getting in time-out for being too loud and pulling up his
shirt to show his belly… loud doesn’t surprise me from that kid, for the belly-
my constant reminder “don’t be weird!”)
He then followed it with, “I have good news too! We had pizza for lunch!” That hug and laughter were the perfect start
to the evening. I told him I had
hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner to which he cheered, hugged me again, and
announced “I love you mama!” With each
hug I could feel the tension leaving my body.
After dinner (b) and I played on the floor before I curled
up on the couch with both of them for some snuggles and a movie while (A) sat
in his recliner next to us. Amid the
exhaustion, I felt the stress melt away.
I was in my safe space enjoying my family. Restart.
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Is there anything better to ease stress than baby giggles??!! |
The rat race doesn’t go away, the stress will still be
waiting for me in the morning as I tackle the new day. But, hitting restart is such a better way to
move forward. I have more energy, I have
more patience, I feel more organized, and like my computer- I simply function
better if I hit restart. I need to take
the time to do it more often.
“The Lord replied, ‘My presence will go with you, and
I will give you rest.’” Exodus 33:14
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