Thursday, December 12, 2019

What Child is This?

It is happening… my tiny baby is growing.  Last week I put away his Rock & Play, and last night we got out the Jumparoo that he was more than ready for.  I’m not sure how it all happens so quickly, this time last year we were still anxiously waiting for Christmas to even share the news that he was on the way, and now he is jumping up and down and giggling about everything. 

And while I love every stage, it does make me sentimental.  As I hold him in my arms I often wonder… who will he be?  Will he have the independent boldness of his big brother, or a more laid-back charm? (Currently my bet is on the latter!) What kind of hobbies will he enjoy? What foods will he love?  What will he grow up to be?  Whose life will he change?  As we have been navigating the joys and frustrations of big brother’s three-and-a-half (the half is VERY important to him), I often wonder the same thing.  Will he use all that big personality to lead others in a positive way?  Will he be a lawyer, engineer, farmer, preacher, or use an aspect of his personality we haven’t even seen yet?  Will he still be living with us a 40 like he claims he wants to do? (Currently “growing up” is an INTENSE fear, because he doesn’t EVER want to move out.  Reason 1: He doesn’t know how to make his favorite food, meat loaf.  Reason 2: He will miss us.  I can’t make this stuff up!)

On Sunday, (A) showed a video clip to open his sermon where a character playing Mary in a live nativity held the sweet baby who portrayed Jesus.  As she talked, I couldn’t help but look at the sleeping baby in my own arms.  They were close to the same size.  And as she went on talking, tears came that I wasn’t even expecting.  Christmas songs I love, like “What Child is This?” and “Mary Did You Know?” have taken on a whole new meaning since I have become a mother myself.  As I listen to them or sing them it makes me reflect.  Yes, Mary knew that this tiny precious baby she was holding was the Messiah, but it is doubtful she had any idea what that would really look like.  She had to wonder how God’s plan was going to unfold in his life, and I’m sure she cherished having a front row seat to it.  But I bet like me, she held that tiny Savior and wondered, What kind of personality will he have?  What foods will he like?  How is God going to fulfill His purposes through him?  What child is this… really? 

As I hold that question in perspective, it makes the birth of Christ, this gift from God, so much more powerful to me.  The God of the universe became a human.  He arrived to earthly parents who would hold and him and wonder about his future just as I do my own babies- what a humbling thought.  And because of the hope that baby brought, I have so many hopes for my own.  I hope they will love Him above all else.  I hope they will seek ways to serve others in humility.  I hope they will be obedient to God with their lives. 

That sleeping baby, was Christ the King, and as I hold my own sleeping boys in my arms, I can’t help but wonder… because of HIM and in HIM, what child is THIS who, in my lap, is sleeping?

“But Mary treasured up all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

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