Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Best of the Old, to Take to the New

I will openly admit that I’m not much on New Year’s Resolutions.  I mean I have nothing against them, I just know it is often hard for me to keep them more than about 8 days and then I am busy beating myself up about what I have already failed at before the year is hardly started.  Instead, I like to take the fresh start to look back at the passing year.  Not a “New Year, New You,” but “What Did Old You Learn that You Need to Hold on To”… taking the “Old” to make the “New.”

And I can’t lie, there was a LOT to learn in 2018.  It brought some of the biggest changes and transitions I have ever navigated in my entire life.  It was full of challenges and blessings, a lot of joy and a lot of tears.  So looking back on 2018, here are the most important things I learned that I Need to Hold on To:

1.        1.  Forgiveness toward others is not about their response, it is about getting your own heart right with God.  They may not want to be forgiven, because they don’t believe they have wronged you- forgive them anyway.  They may not even care if you exist- forgive them anyway.  Until your own heart is clear of the pain and bitterness you are holding on to, it is very hard to hear (and more importantly listen) to the voice of God.

2.        2.  Keep praying for the things on your heart.  God is listening, and sometimes He is going to give you the very blessings you have been asking for.  I was raised in my faith, I have prayed for things my whole life, but somehow I am always still amazed when God gives us the desires of our heart.  When you spend months praying for clarity, don’t be surprised when He gives you “clarity” verbatim.  When you pray for your home to sell quickly, don’t be surprised when it sells in 6 days.  When you pray for a new teaching job, don’t be surprised when it is even in the same grade level you left.  His love and attentiveness towards His children amaze me each day.

3.        3.  Sometimes, the thing you thought was totally devastating, was actually God’s protection.  Looking back at where our 2018 began and then where it ended, I can’t help but see how small our human “view” is.  I have learned that even in the hardest, darkest days- hold on.  God isn’t finished yet, and you may just turn around later and be overwhelmingly surprised at how things work out.

4.        4.  It’s ok to accept help.  I have always been a pretty independent girl, but this past year (probably more than ever) I have had to learn to accept help offered my direction.  Sometimes it was help navigating my mental and emotional health.  Other times it was help packing or unpacking boxes, painting walls, or loading and unloading trailers.  We accepted help with childcare and meals brought in, learning the ins and outs of a new community, and how to navigate change.  In learning to accept help, I also learned that it isn’t just about realizing I can’t do everything myself, it is also about allowing others to use their gifts and talents.  When we deny others the chance to help in the way they offer, we are denying them a chance to GIVE a blessing that is on their heart.  This was a tough lesson for me to learn, and a huge “swallow” of my pride.

5.        5.  It is possible to find a precious balance between “old” and “new.”  I was so overwhelmed as we transitioned to a “new” life that I didn’t know how I could ever leave the “old” behind.  And truthfully, it hasn’t been easy.  But I have learned that “old friends” will ALWAYS be near and dear to our hearts.  That it IS possible to pick right back up where you left off, that not everyone forgets you just because you are no longer physically present.  It is possible to walk back in to your “old” favorite places and still feel at home, and your “old” special traditions can always hold a place in your heart.  AND I have learned that there is room in my heart for all the “old” things that I love, as well as “new” things.  There is room in my heart to stretch and let new friends in.  There is room to make new memories and new special places.  It is possible to start new traditions and find new things to love.  My heart was so full leaving our “old” life that I didn’t have any idea how I would be able cope, but God graciously showed me that He made my heart with room to stretch.  That there is plenty of room to hold on to the good things that are “old” and still embrace the “new.”

The Bible talks a lot about NEW.  I am grateful that His mercies are new, He makes me NEW, and I get to sing a NEW song.  As I head into this NEW year, may I take the past lessons of His love, and mercies, and faithfulness as I embrace each new day.  Happy New Year!

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and SHE SMILES AT THE FUTURE.”  Proverbs 31:25

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