Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trying to be Prepared

I have had an October sunburn one time in my life… until yesterday.  The first October sunburn came on a Fall Break trip to Hilton Head Island.  It happened the first day on the beach.  I had properly applied sunscreen to my pale complexion, but had failed to double check the date on the sunscreen and it had expired a few months before.  The sun reflecting off the ocean turned me a few shades of raw, and needless to say, I now always check the sunscreen date before leaving for a beach vacation.  I like to be prepared. 

Yesterday, was the perfect, sunny, 90 degree, October day to go to the zoo.  I made sure (A) had packed snacks for (a), I made sure we had water, we worked very hard to convince our little cowboy to wear shorts and sandals instead of “cowboy clothes” so that he wouldn’t get to hot in his jeans and boots, we planned which stroller to take a long, we planned stops that needed to be made on the way home, but what I failed to prepare for was the intensity of the sun.  When we got home last night it was pretty obvious that I now have quite a lovely sunburn, because I wasn’t prepared with sunscreen.

I like to be prepared.  I like to know what’s coming and how I plan to deal with it.  I will admit, it is totally a control issue.  I like to be in control, I like to know what is around the next turn, and I like to be ready for it before it happens.  However, the last year of our lives has taught me some valuable lessons about what I can and can’t be prepared for.  There are things in life that are total out of my control.  Some things are going to blind-side you, somethings you see coming- but you can’t prevent, some things you know are going to happen eventually, but you don’t know when and so you can try to prepare for them, but when they do happen you still aren’t ready.  I have had to learn a lot about giving up control and learning to be prepared in different ways.

I’ve learned to prepare my heart by spending more time in God’s Word.  The more I read, and learn, and know, the more I feel ready to take on my day to day challenges.  I am more prepared now to forgive, and be vulnerable, to trust His promises, and see His faithfulness because I have spent a lot of time this last year preparing my heart in those areas through scripture. 

We have worked to prepare our marriage for strength in the everyday chaos by being intentional.  Lots of weeks the only date night we have means turning the TV to something that isn’t animated on Friday after (a) has gone to bed, or like yesterday, walking the rest of the zoo together while pushing the stroller with a sleeping kiddo.   But we have learned that those moments are what REAL life is made of, and instead of letting them pass by without noticing, its best to make the most of them and enjoy them.  The biggest part of our life together is happening in those little things, and if we do not choose to use them intentionally, we lose them. 

And while it is a never-ending job, we are trying to prepare our son to be a blessing to others, a servant, a leader, a contributor, a friend, and most importantly, a Christ-follower.  Right now those discussions sound more like lessons on not being rude, how to be a friend, don’t help yourself to other people’s food, being nice to your parents, taking a bath so you don’t stink, singing to all his favorite “church songs”, and how “Cowboys love Jesus, and I love Jesus!” It’s a work in progress… but I want to be prepared.

I can’t juggle everything life throws at me, and like the October sunburn, I often fail.  But when I can… I like to be prepared.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have….” 1 Peter 3:15

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