Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Choose Joy

Parenting has taught me LOTS of things.  Don’t ever leave the bathroom door open, little people can eat lots of food, take a change of clothes, trust your nose, small=quick, it is possible to love even more than you knew, you will never get it all figured out, joy is not dependent on circumstances, and so much more…. But that little part about joy has been a big lesson to me.

It seems that no matter what is going on, that little boy can find joy in it.  Whether we are eating, riding in the car, playing outside, eating, dancing around the house, reading books, eating, cuddling, playing on his rocking horse, eating, building with blocks, working puzzles, eating, or even sleeping… he finds a way to make it fun and put a smile on his face.  It doesn’t always start out “happy,”  he may fall down and scrape his knee, his shirt may get wet (which he is NOT a fan of), he may run out of food, but even still, he finds a way to enjoy what it going on- and that is INFECTIOUS- no matter what the circumstances.

I have learned that being happy and being joy-filled really are two different things.  Happy is often dependent on how things are going- we all got out the door on time, everyone grabbed breakfast, the outfit I wanted to wear was clean, all my students are present so I’m not going to chase down make-up work, the sun is shining, the temperature is just right, I got in a solid run, I had time to fix dinner, I got to go to bed early… all those things make me happy.  But the reality is they happen less than 1% of the time and the chances of all those things happening on the same day…. well that is too small of a number to calculate!  Instead, I watch my son as a reminder to CHOOSE JOY.  Joy is that hope deep within, that tells me no matter what- the Spirit of God is dwelling inside of me and I will not be crushed.  Joy says even on the hard days I will remind positive, because I know God is in control.  Joy says when things aren’t going right, look around and find pleasure in the little things.  Joy takes inventory of what cannot be taken from me and makes that a reason to thank God even when other things are gone.  After all, joy is a fruit of the spirit- and if we allow the Spirit to guide us, joy is going to shine through no matter what. 
“May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”   Romans 15:13

This past Friday I received one of the most precious and humbling pieces of artwork I have ever seen from a student.  She had taken time out of her evening on Thursday to draw this picture of me.  She made sure to point out that she added my “haystack hair” (that alone I find an adorable and hilarious description of my need for big hair) and she gave me quite a “tan.”  But the words were precious to me… “You are so bright the sun itself turns jealous.” 
As I hugged her and thanked her and wiped away a tear all I could think was “Oh baby girl, that’s all Jesus.”  There are so many days I do not feel like I am shining, but I’m so very grateful that his Spirit finds a way to shine through even when I don’t feel “happy.”  And it is always my prayer, that Jesus shining through, is what those 22 kiddos see in my every day.  Even when I am not “happy” with them for leaving trash on the floor, and talking through the entire math lesson, and spilling a water bottle on the floor, and being impatient with their computers- I pray they will still see JOY shining out of me.  The joy of the SON that is so bring the SUN itself is jealous. 

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”  Matthew 13:43a

Today, and everyday, I choose JOY.  


Who I Share My Classroom With

 Right before school started last fall, I found a neat sign to add to my classroom décor.  It says, “What I love most about my classroom is ...