Thursday, September 24, 2020
Embracing this Beautiful Season
Fall brings with it an emotional struggle for me every year. I love the colors of fall, the snuggle of a hoodie, the comfort of a backyard fire, and eating soup (sorry pumpkin lovers, I’m not in your crew). BUT, I always mourn the loss of flip flop weather, less daylight, fun days at the pool, and dread the reality that winter is coming (I despise winter). I enjoy the look of the season change, but sometimes struggle to fully embrace it because of what it means is now over.
This fall however, I have two little boys who love campfires and s’mores as much as I do. (a) has been waiting impatiently for weeks to pull out his beloved hoodies, and (b) loves playing outside without getting eaten alive by the summer bugs. They seem totally thrilled with fall- and so I am trying not to think about what is past but instead enjoy this beautiful season.
I’m realizing it isn’t just the outside season that is changing, but the season of our lives as well. In the same week last month, (a) started Pre-K and (b) started walking. Now car rides are spent spelling every word he things of for him, discussing letter sounds, and hearing about his class science and cooking projects. He absolutely loves learning and has fallen in love with school. After he spent quite a while one evening this week telling me all the letter sounds for the words on his coloring sheet- I told (A) I couldn’t get over how quickly he was absorbing it all. He is becoming a student, and this is a whole new season for us. As a teacher I’m beyond thrilled for his love of learning, as a mama I am watching the season change. And I am trying with all my being to not hold on to the past, but instead enjoy this beautiful season.
(b) started walking with a few toddling steps here and there. He would still often choose to do this funny, scooty crawl thing because it was faster for him for the next couple weeks. But in the last two weeks we have gone to full out walking, and who am I kidding, running around everywhere he wants to go. Finding his feet has also meant he as found more things he can get into, more things he can climb and ride, and has freed his hands up for carrying anything he wants (which is often swords, nerf guns, and water squirters). This new found walking confidence also seems to be brining with it some talking confidence too as we are picking up new words quickly, and just this week has started repeating “I love you” often when you say it to him first (be still my mama heart!) I have always referred to him as “our baby,” but as he walked all over outside the other night eating marshmallows and yelling at the dogs, I looked at (a) and said I don’t think I can call him a baby anymore, I think truthfully it is much more accurate to call him a toddler. My heart snagged just a little as we pulled out the totes of fall clothes for me to retrieve the next size and season for him. But thankfully pulling out those hand-me-downs from (a) brought back a lot of great memories, and it made it a whole lot easier not to hold on to the past, but instead enjoy this beautiful season.
Ready or not, change is here. The leaves in our yard are starting to turn, the temps are consistently cooler. The boys are growing and becoming who God created them to be. And so I will choose not to mourn the loss of what was, but instead be thankful for the all the precious memories we have made and experiences we shared. I will not cling to the past, but instead enjoy this beautiful season.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
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