The “staycation” we are currently experiencing has brought
with it many memorable moments. My four-year-old
cowboy is pretty confused as to why I’m home from school but it isn’t
summer. He also does not understand why
we can’t go to his favorite places, see people he misses, or eat out in
restaurants. All of this has brought
some pretty memorable quotes with it…
In reference to the Governor’s stay
home order, in frustration he announced “Let’s just break the law!”
A family member mentioned wondering
when she would see him again, and he responded “Well, we are having sick days
over here.”
He forgot something and told me “I’m
over here acting like I’ve lost my mind!”
I feel like he is possibly getting a little stir crazy. I have tried VERY hard to keep it fun for
him. We have done a lot of art, tried to
have snuggly movie time, had HOURS of imaginative play, made fun cookies, read
tons of stories, I’ve taken meal requests, and we have had numerous dance
parties. But what we haven’t had much of…
is outside play time. Unfortunately, the
weather has been pretty cold and often rainy for nearly the entire time we have
been home “socially distanced.” One of
the memorable “Coronacation” quotes happened on a super drizzly afternoon last
week when (a) asked, “Mom, why is it raining today?” I, of course, had no good answer for him, so
I responded with “I guess God just thinks it’s what we need today!” To which he
quickly fired back, “Well, when is he gonna decide we need a sunny day?!” If I was being honest with myself, I had been
asking our Heavenly Father the same question.
But on day… well I’m not sure, I’ve lost count… after a very
foggy morning, the sun finally shined!! And oh, what a difference that
made! Sunshine meant playing outside,
hunting for bugs and worms, digging in the mud with sticks, dragging around his
red wagon, helping me clean the winter yuck from the flowerbeds, driving his
Gator, writing with sidewalk chalk, soaking up the warmth of that beautiful
vitamin D, playing with his dogs, splashing in leftover mud puddles, telling
baby (b) all about the spring things he was seeing, wearing sunglasses, and a
HUGE smile. There was something SO
wonderful and joyful about seeing that sunshine and experiencing all the
outside had to offer. We played outside
for hours, and after dinner quickly collapsed in peaceful exhaustion after
taking in so much fun. Everything
changed when the sunshine appeared.
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No worries, I didn't actually let him drive with the baby by his side! He just let little brother sit there and check things out ;-) |
As I took it all in, I couldn’t help but think of how things
can change when we allow “SONshine” into our lives. When the Son shines in, the way we see the world
is so much brighter, we feel hope and clarity where things were once cloudy, we
have a warmth in our heart, and a purpose with our attitude. Everything changes when the Son shines.
In the midst of all the uncertainty, I will admit I have
struggled. I have struggled with “teacher
guilt” as I think about all that still needed to be accomplished in my
classroom. I have struggled with loneliness
as I am extremely extroverted. I have
struggled with worry as I watch our economy and hear of more people every day
who have lost a job or are taking a huge financial hit due to the
closings. As I have struggled with these
and many other emotions, I have tried so hard to focus on enjoying this unexpected
time with my boys. I can’t change any of
the things I am struggling with, so I have got to change the lens I am looking through. I could look at the clouds and the “rain” in
all of it, or I could keep watching for the Sonshine. Our state may call them “Act of God” days,
but I am trying to think of them as “Gift of God” days… especially when the Son
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it
sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Psalms 113:3