Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Joy in Every Stage

With baby (b) making his arrival in just a few short weeks, over the weekend we made our last “pre-baby” trip to Indiana.  There was a LOT we wanted to cram in to two days because quite honestly, we aren’t sure when my body will be up to the trip again.  One thing was NOT up for debate as we tried to prioritize what we wanted to do- and that was pony riding time for the cowboy.  Since our last trip, we have heard nearly daily about how much he misses his ponies and how badly he wants to go “back to da farm and ride my ponies!” 

As I watched the huge smile on his face riding out in the round pen on Friday and Saturday mornings, I couldn’t help but marvel at how independent he has become.  In many ways it feels like just yesterday that we brought him home.  I always knew time passed quickly, but it seems to pass even morning quickly as a parent.  While I would sometimes like to slow time down, I also know that I do not want to stop it because if I did that, there would still be so much I would miss. 

It is often our tendency as parents to want to keep them little forever, after all, that sweet snuggly stage is so much fun.  But since we can’t do that, (A) and I have made it our firm resolution to enjoy EVERY stage because there really are incredible milestones at every age and there is joy to be found in each step of the journey.

One of our many stops on Friday was to the saddle shop.  We had decided it was time to invest in a saddle for (a) that fits him correctly so that he can continue to feel independent, and honestly it is safer for him as well.  He was SO proud as they helped him make sure it was a correct size and fit.  He told them he wanted a “sticky saddle” (more suede than smooth leather) and announced this would be for him and his baby brother someday.  When the choice had been made, he insisted on carrying it out to the car himself.   I giggled as I watched him, but couldn’t help but find joy in how confidently he had talked to the owners of the shop and how blessed I feel that (even though it means he is growing up) he is strong enough tackle something that large on his own.  The next morning, he again insisted on carrying the saddle himself as my sister helped him put it on his pony.  He then confidently rode to the round pen and proudly showed off his “skills.”  Skills he only has because he is growing up.  (And I realize I’m totally biased, but I’m pretty impressed at what he can do with a horse for only being 3 years old!)

He is no longer our “baby,” but that’s ok- because there is JOY in this stage too.  There is joy in watching our little boy finding hobbies he loves.  There is joy in watching him speak up for himself.  There is joy in seeing him bloom with confidence as he learns more and more each day.  And I don’t want to keep him little forever, because I don’t want to miss out on those joys. 

I pray that someday, there will be the joy of watching academic milestones, there will be a driver’s license, watching him move out on his own, hopefully even a precious wife and watching him become a parent himself.  And while I hope all these things are a LONG time off, I don’t want to stop time, because I don’t want to miss out on the joy of those milestones too. 

If I choose to focus on the joy of this journey, then I’m also not sad to see him grow.  I think back to the snuggly days with fondness, I enjoy flipping through pictures, it does blow my mind at how quickly it has happened, but it doesn’t make me sad and it doesn’t make me long for the past- because I’m too busy marveling at the joy in THIS day.

“And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.” Luke 2:40

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