Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Who I am NOT, because of Mom

This past weekend, we celebrated Mother’s Day.  For me, it is a holiday I have always enjoyed- even when I wasn’t a mom, because I have a great mom who is worth celebrating.  She is a mom who made me SO much of who I am- she is a pillar of faith, she loves us unconditionally, she is the hostess with the mostess, she was an extraordinary teacher, she gives freely of herself, she is the most patient wife on the planet, she never has a bad word to say about anyone, she is an amazing role model, and she is pretty epic at the Mom and Mama K (her grandma name) gig.  But as I got to spend time with her this weekend, I also realized that I am so thankful for who I am NOT because of her as well.

I am not a pessimist, because Mom always taught us to look for hope in every situation, to remember that God was not done yet and a “bright side” was coming.

I am not lazy, because Mom never accepted “I’m bored” from us.  She showed us that there were ALWAYS things to be done and she (and my dad) instilled a great work ethic within the three of us girls.

I am not afraid to try new things, even if they flop, because she always encouraged us to give it a shot, see what happens.  And I watched her always take it in stride or even laugh at herself when a new venture didn’t go as planned such as a failed recipe or unsuccessful craft project.  I also saw many of her new “experiments” soar successfully because she hadn’t been afraid to step out and try.

I am not ashamed to ask for or accept help when the task seems too big- either physically or emotionally, because she has always reminded me that there is no reason to face things alone when you don’t have to.

I am not one to give up easily, because she always encouraged us to keep trying.  She set the example of tenacity and modeled patience even when “never give up” took longer than we thought it should have. 
Mother's Day 2018

And when I think of the examples she set for me, I think about the kind of mom that I am… of all the things I WANT my kids to be, there are also so many things I do NOT want them to be.  Right now, at 3, we focus on things like do NOT be rude, do not go to bed dirty, do not leave your toys scattered all over the house, do not be so rough, do not talk with your mouth full. 

But as I look at who I am not, because of my mom, I hope my children are able to look at our life and say...
They are not going to let fear stop them from stepping out on faith.

They are not going to quit putting their trust in the Lord, even when they can’t see the next step.

They will not let hard things steal their joy.

They will not quit working hard for what lies ahead, but they will not miss an opportunity to enjoy the work in the “now” as well.

May they not ever doubt the love and support of their family, or the fact that the Lord goes before them.

I am so thankful for the example of mothers, because I think it give us just a tiny glimpse of God’s immense love for us.  A chance to remember that above all because of Him I am not alone, I am not afraid, I am not without hope.

Thank you Mom, and thank you Jesus- for all the things I am not.

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:28-30

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